NOTE: You must be over 21 years of age to use this website. If you are under 21, please click here to exit the website.
*We do our best to verify rebate information, but ask that you verify rebates/specials will apply to your specific purchase. Note that if you purchase through an online retailer, you should ensure that products, especially handguns, are California compliant. Refer to the California Handgun Roster. If you have questions, please reach out. Thank you!*
There is no extra charge to have us place a special order for you! We are more than happy to help you find compliant products offered through our distributors. More often than not, we are able to get what you're looking for at a great price! Stop by, call or email
KELTEC Sub 2000: $100 Rebate available for purchase made between March 1 2023 and March 1 2024. Details here.
Beretta A400 Xtreme Plus: $150 and $75 rebates available.
There is no extra charge to have us place a special order for you! We are more than happy to help you find compliant products offered through our distributors. More often than not, we are able to get what you're looking for at a great price! Stop by, call or email
KELTEC Sub 2000: $100 Rebate available for purchase made between March 1 2023 and March 1 2024. Details here.
Beretta A400 Xtreme Plus: $150 and $75 rebates available.
North County Auctions
We are pleased to announce a new partnership with North County Auctions, a local family-run auctioneer service. Firearms are only available through the auction, but they are available for preview at our shop, located at 649 Main St. Ste C, Ramona, CA 92065 during regular business hours.
Upcoming Auctions Collector Gun Auction
TBD - Check back soon!
TBD - Check back soon!